Kyokushin Karate

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

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Martial arts Karate Kyokushin full contact Karate style, created in 1964 by Korean-Japanese descent who was also master of Karate, Masutatsu Oyama.

Anthony Ferdinand Pajouw
Kyokushin Karate
Image : Ist
According to one former national karate athletes Pajouw Anthony Ferdinand who is also a Kyokushin Karate instructor, explains:

"Kyokushin Karate is Budo Karate. Bu meaning hero or fighter and Do is the way."

"So, if someone just practicing to fight without understanding the meaning and essence of the train itself, he is not a true Kyokushin. Here is where an athlete or fighter must know and understand the philosophy of Karate, Karate Budo way, understanding WORD (default stance in karate) , and Kumite techniques (matches). "

In each practice Kyokushin Karate, starting with meditation or in Japanese is called Mokuso. The aim is to focus the mind.

by : Majalah Men's Fitness Indonesia -


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