Superman Remains In The Hands Of Warner Bros

Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Having contested by a number of film companies, the superhero eventually won by Warner Bros. Warner Bros. had the right to use the Superman character in every movie to be produced by the film company.

Superman is a fictional superhero character's most famous and influential of the DC Comics publishers from the United States.

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Scramble Superman, which happened some time ago because of two creator of the Man of Steel (Superman) that Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel demanded greater compensation on profits from the success of Superman in the market.

In addition, the heirs of Siegel also demanded the rights to DC Comics over most of the income earned, as the Superman copyright.

As the news reported from pages, finally the judge decides to reject the demands, Shuter and Siegel family.

"We disagree with the decision of legal and factual, and the decision was very surprising because the trial judge seemed sympathetic to us," said the lawyer, of the Shuster family.

As we all know that Superman has paid dividends of 500 million dollars to Warner Bros. with five films being grossing film and won billions of dollars from television, toys and computer games and comic books published over 74 years.

Warner Bros will also release a new movie Superman: Man of Steel in 2013.


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